Section 12 of the Vetting Act 2016 places a statutory obligation on school authorities to obtain a vetting disclosure from the Bureau prior to the employment, contract, permission or placement of a person to undertake relevant work or activities with children or vulnerable persons. This applies to all students aged over 16.
- Students fill in the NVB1 form and parents fill in the NVB3 form.
- These forms are returned to the school.
- Once student turns 16, principal confirms the student’s identity and forwards the application to the Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS)
- ACCS will email the student’s parent with a link to complete the eVetting process
- Students complete the eVetting process online and submit it to the ACCS
- The National Vetting Bureau will process the application and will issue a vetting disclosure to ACCS who will forward it to the School Principal
NVB3 form parent/guardian consent form
NVB1 form garda vetting form
Examples of Placements
Work Experience Template Letter
School Insurance Letter 2025