The Business Studies Junior Cert course focuses on improving students' understanding of the business environment and on developing skills for life, work and further study through the three inter-connected strands:
- Personal Finance ,
- Enterprise and
- Our Economy .
Students sense of entrepreneurship is always encouraged and inspired in Edmund Rice.
Business Studies is that part of the curriculum which enables the student to make informed decisions in the everyday business of living, which contributes to the student's understanding of the world of business, which encourages a positive attitude to enterprise and which develops appropriate skills in that field.
The syllabus is balanced between the business education necessary for the individual/household area and business education in the purely commercial context. Students will develop a strong understanding of The Business of Living (Management of personal finance), Economic Awareness, Enterprise and Information Technology.
Useful Links:
Click here to download the Curriculum syllabus
Click here to download the Business Studies Factsheet